Announcing the start of the 2022-2023 GMU Philosophy Seminar Series

Announcing the start of the 2022-2023 GMU Philosophy Seminar Series

The official Philosophy Seminar Series has begun for the 2022-2023 year. 

The first talks of the year will be on Zoom. 

The first speaker will be our own Dr. Ted Kinnaman on "Kant, Hamann, and the Regress Problem"

Abstract: Johann Georg Hamann was probably the first reader of Kant's Critique of Pure Reason, and also its first critic. Hamann outlined what Colin Marshall has called the Regress Problem: Kant demands explanation of the possibility of all synthetic a priori claims; how, then, does he think a successful explanation works? I will explain the Regress Problem, with particular focus on Hamann's particular version of it, and canvas some possibilities for solving the problem.

Zoom meeting room:

Though Seminar Series talks are oriented to faculty and grad students, this is a space where all who are interested in the topic are welcome and encouraged to attend. Any questions about the event should be directed to the colloquium committee organizer Dan Nicholson (